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Showing posts from April, 2020

Birdie and Me by J.M.M Nuanez: My live booktalk this week

For this week's live booktalk on Google Meet, I talked about Birdie and Me .  This is a new book by a brand new author.  It's a middle grades book, which I've been reading a lot of lately for some reason.  I've found that middle grade authors have really stepped it up a notch to include characters and topics that could interest the YA and adult crowd, which I really love.  Birdie and Me is told from the point of view of the main character Jack.  Jack is the big sister to her gender creative brother Birdie.  The story begins with the two siblings waiting to be picked up on "moving day", which happens to be their second one in less than a year.  The two siblings lost their mother less than a year earlier and are currently being cared for by one of their two much older uncles.  This book is full of unique characters and is all about understanding and accepting one another as well as coming to terms with loss and grief.  I highly recommend...

On the Come Up by Angie Thomas--Booktalk by Ms. Sherman

I love, love, love the ELA teachers I work with at Clarke Middle School.  I was super lucky to have Ms. Frederking send me her booktalk, and now Ms. Sherman has sent me one on the book she just finished up reading.  If you have not read it yet, get a copy of On the Come Up   by Angie Thomas and read it now.  I enjoyed this book as much as Ms. Sherman did.  Angie Thomas announced her new book will be coming out next year and it's a prequel to The Hate U Give, so get pumped up to read more Angie Thomas soon.  Watch the video below to hear Ms. Sherman talk about this book.

Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue Park--a suggestion from a CMS Library volunteer

One of my favorite things about working as the School Library Media Specialist at Clarke Middle for so many years is that I get to know families.  Over the years I have had lots of parents and grandparents of my students volunteer with me for several years in a row as all of their brood matriculates through CMS. One of my favorite grandma volunteers has stayed two year past her last grandchild being at CMS (this is the third grandchild at CMS, so she's been with me for a LONG time), and I am lucky enough to call her my friend.  It doesn't hurt that not only does Ms. Hester Meyers straighten books in the library for us she also is a former librarian and she is always bringing in book suggestions for me.  Since we've been out of school for the COVID-19 virus I've really missed her, so it was super awesome to get an email from her this week with, what else, but a book recommendation.  With her permission, I've published what she wrote to me in the email below....

Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed--This Week's Booktalk

This week in my live session I book talked Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed.   This was a book I'd had in my to read stack for a really long time so I was super excited to finish it up last week and got a chance to talk with some of our CMS Owls in Google meet during my Tuesday live session.  This book was set in modern day Pakistan and Amal and her family are farmers in a small village.  Amal is lucky enough to go to school unlike many of the other girls in her village as educating females in Pakistan is not a priority.  Her family does own the land they farm, but they are, by no means, wealthy.  She has several siblings and due to poor crop production for several years, her father is very much in debt to the wealthy family that basically owns the whole village and all the area around them.  Amal's mother has had another child and she is now expected to stay home and help out for several months from school and she is frustrated about this when she encou...